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Looking for something to entertain the kids and connect with your neighbours, without actually connecting with your neighbours?

Join my Treasure Hunt Challenge! #treasurehuntchallenge

This challenge is designed to be executed in 1hr while encouraging positive actions.

In the interests of human health – please wash your hands before and after preparing this game and if you or your family is sick, don’t leave the house!

What you need

  • 5 envelopes
  • 5 pieces of paper or cardboard
  • a box
  • a few items of dress-up i.e. sunglasses, hats etc

Step 1: plan the route

On google maps, take a screen shot of your neighbourhood.

Import it into word or Googledrive sheets and mark 4-6 points on the map.

Here’s the one I made for my neighbourhood.

Step 2: create clues & challenges

On a piece of paper or card, write the clue for the location of each card. On the back of each one, add the following challenges:

Clue 1: Along the road, around the corner and up the other side. People use this place to hit a ball back and forth across a net.

Challenge 1: Mother Nature is taking a little rest right now and she really needs your positive vibes. Do you best, most energised positivity dance for Mother Nature! Jump, shake and shout so she can hear you!

Clue 2: Some look to this symbol for hope in difficult times, others don’t. It doesn’t matter which is true. What matters is that you be the best you!

Challenge 2: We are so lucky to have such an amazing planet that provides us with everything we need. Name 3 things you are grateful for today.

Clue 3: The ocean washes up on to this and its created by rocks and glass turning to dust. Pirates used to use this to communicate and sometimes if you rub it, a genie comes out!

Challenge 3: It’s OK to feel angry or upset sometimes but it’s important to control it, rather than let it control you. When you feel angry, express your emotion through movement. Run as fast as you can to the closest tree and back!

Clue 4: This helps to power our world! Follow the path until you find the clue.

Challenge 4: Sometimes scary things happen in life, but they are only temporary. If you feel scared, sit down, close your eyes and take deep breaths while counting to 10. Practice it now!

Each challenge should be written so they can be re-used by other people so no personalisation and don’t seal the envelopes.

You can also use old bottles or jars as part of the game.

Step 3: play the game, pass it on

In an old box, put a few items of dress-up and set 3 more challenges in the final location.

Here are my ones:

The main point is to make it so it can be passed on to another person in your neighbourhood.

Once you have finished the challenge, post a note in your neighbours letterbox and watch the ideas flow!

I know we are lucky to live in a place with forests, hills and old stone houses but this can work in any neighbourhood – you just need to use your imagination!

Good luck and don’t forget to tag me on Instagram or Facebook with the #treasurehuntchallenge so I can see your adventures!

PS I don’t have kids so don’t let that stop you doing something fun for your neighbour 🙂

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Disclaimer: if you, or any member of your family is currently sick, please do not take part in this game. Stay inside, hydrate, rest and wait 14 days from the end of symptoms until joining in!